Formation of the mechanism of development of innovative potential of a construction enterprise




innovation, mechanism, enterprise, construction, management.


At the present stage of the functioning of the market of construction enterprises is becoming more complex, its pace of development is accelerating, the values of demand characteristics are changing in an unpredictable way, the intensity of competitive counteraction is steadily increasing in the conditions of severe resource constraints. It is necessary to search for new approaches to system analysis, synthesis and implementation of management decisions in the management of a construction company, which is done in this study. The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of innovative potential of the enterprise, the mechanism of innovative development of the enterprise is presented and substantiated. The author defines the concept of "mechanism of formation of innovative potential of the enterprise" as a system formed on the basis of analysis and evaluation of components of innovative potential, taking into account factors of internal and external influence, principles, methods, functions of management, using the proposed tools that promote innovative development of the enterprise and provide production innovative products with high quality.

The main stages of ensuring adaptability of innovative development are determined. It is argued that innovation potential is a tool that exists in a hidden form, manifests itself under certain conditions, is created by purposeful formation of a set of interconnected resources and certain conditions for their most efficient use. The basis of innovation potential is people involved in innovation processes. The key task of enterprise management is to create incentives for the activation of staff innovation, the use of best practices, educational and scientific achievements, which in the modern world becomes a factor for personal, social and economic development of a person.

 The proposed mechanism of formation of innovative potential of the enterprise will allow to increase competitiveness at the expense of improvement of results of activity by production of innovative goods with high quality level.  As a result of the research, the systematic composition of the resources that form the innovation potential is revealed in its dependence on the stage of the innovation process.


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How to Cite

Khomenko, N. (2020). Formation of the mechanism of development of innovative potential of a construction enterprise. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (44), 48–55.