Assessment of the developer's operating system performance in the housing microenvironment




enterprise, administration process, information and analytical support, management technology.


An important prerequisite for decision makers at different levels of operational decisions in the area of operating, financial or investment activities is to build and use effective administration systems.
The purpose of the study is to develop a model for the formation of administration systems in enterprise management, which allows to streamline the complex of necessary work in the context of the development of corporate architecture of the entity based on the EFQM model and to evaluate the performance of the developer's operating system in the micro-environment of housing stakeholders.
The substantive filling of key elements of the systems of administration of the construction project is considered. It is determined that improving the efficiency of energy and material resources is a priority area of economic research in the field of production of building materials, and the practice of resource conservation acquires the feature of an integrated analytical management function with methodological and information-analytical support, links and elements of organizational and organizational elements.
The position on inclusion of innovative integrated "analytical management function" in the resource management system is substantiated. This feature has been proven to be an integral part of the analysis-synthesis-result model. The analytical function in the work is presented as one of the blocks of financial management, as the financial and economic service provides information to guide decision-makers, focusing on workloads and final financial results. In combination with "synthesis", the analytical function provides a process of control over three areas: activity efficiency, operational reliability, development effect + (balance of changes). The conceptual model of resource conservation management was formed using modern information and methodological support for the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) model.



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How to Cite

Ryzhakova, G., Rуzhаkov D., Shpakova, G., Leshchynska, I., Kondratskiy, V., Fedorova, Y., Koshelna, V., & Maksymyuk, Y. (2019). Assessment of the developer’s operating system performance in the housing microenvironment. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (42), 120–131.