Estimation of mechanical properties of modified cement stone by nanoindenting method




nanoindentation method, cement samples, hardness, elastic modulus, nanoindenter, histogram, phase


The mechanical properties of materials began to appear higher requirements. The development of various technologies has become widespread in the modern world, which has contributed to the creation of new building materials. The nanoindentation method has become an alternative approach to the study of the mechanical properties of materials at the nanoscale. In this case, it is not the dimensions of the sample that are reduced, but the size of the deformed region. During nanoindentation, most solid and superhard non-metallic materials are deformed elastically-plastic, which allows characterizing such mechanical properties as hardness and elastic modulus.

Based on an analysis of literature, it was found that C-S-H exists in at least three different structural forms: low, high, and ultrahigh densities, which have different average values of hardness and hardness and various volume concentrations. The average values of hardness and hardness turned out to be properties inherent in the С–S–H structure, which do not change in various materials based on cement.

In this work, the nanoindentation method was used, preliminary results of the studied cement samples were obtained. The studies were carried out by an automated Hysitron TI 950 TriboIndenter nanoindent. During mechanical measurements, a diamond probe tip was used.

It was found that the elastic modulus M increases in samples that contain a complex additive containing nanosized particles. The effect is also observed when a sol of nanosilica or carbon nanomaterial is introduced into a plasticizing additive. The results are presented by histograms of the distribution of nanoindentation points modulo elasticity E and stiffness H.


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How to Cite

Polonina, N., & Leonovich, S. (2019). Estimation of mechanical properties of modified cement stone by nanoindenting method. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (41), 71–80.