Dependence of the energy efficiency class of a building on the type of translucent constructions




translucent constructions, energy efficiency class of a building, heating, insulating glass (IG), thermal resistance, energy consumption of buildings


The issues of energy efficiency of translucent structures and two methods for determining the energy consumption of a building, the classification of buildings by energy efficiency, the feasibility of using better translucent fencing structures are considered.

It is established that the energy consumption of buildings is determined in two ways: calculated and based on actual energy consumption according to the data of meters or other metering devices. As a rule, the calculation method is applied to new buildings, reconstructed and capital reconstructed buildings on the basis of project documentation. Determining the actual energy consumption of existing buildings according to metering devices has one major drawback if the building is constantly under-receiving heat energy, then its energy consumption, determined by metering devices, will be lowered, which will lead to further errors in determining the energy efficiency class.

The ways of choosing energy efficient windows are considered, it is established that accessories and sealing elements are an important element of an energy efficient window. Efficiency of keeping heat in winter, cold in summer combined with the absence of drafts and noise depends on their quality, perfection of structure and functionality. The energy-efficient window provides permeability to the solar radiation room and passive heating, the necessary air exchange, the reflection and preservation of the radiative heat of the enclosing structures in the room and to save heat. Energy saving due to the installation of such a window is about 230 kWh / m² of its surface during the heating period (0.197 Gcal / m² of the window).

The definitions of the estimated and actual specific annual energy consumption of the building are given. Two methods of calculating the energy consumption of a building are considered. In the course of the research, data on translucent structures, their advantages and disadvantages, energy efficiency requirements for buildings were collected. Significant reduction of material and energy resources is achieved due to the complex thermo-modernization of the housing stock. The analysis of mathematical models of the energy performance of a building, depending on the thermal characteristics of the external enclosure structures, is the basis for the assessment of residential buildings by the criterion of energy efficiency for compliance with the requirements of sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Burba, S. (2019). Dependence of the energy efficiency class of a building on the type of translucent constructions. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (41), 89–98.