The analysis of behavior of materials and frame buildings with the rigidity diaphragm at shock and vibration seismic influences




seismic loading, dynamic load, rigidity diaphragm, the forced fluctuations, shock influence.


In the article the results of dynamic tests are shown: Research of influence of dynamic load on strength and deformative characteristics of construction materials; Experimental check of a new method of calculation of a design on dynamic influences; Research of static parameters of dynamic influences; Improvement of a technique of dynamic tests.
The author removes results of an experiment which purpose to register the parameters characterizing work of a design under loading and to compare them with allowed.


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How to Cite

Hasanova, T., & Mammedli, T. (2019). The analysis of behavior of materials and frame buildings with the rigidity diaphragm at shock and vibration seismic influences. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 1(39), 30–37.