Methodical basis and administrative and managerial bases for improving the operational and production system and organizational structure of a development company




building development project, resource-time environment, organizational structure, engineering, investment environment.


The article analyzes and improves scientific methodical approaches and applied tools for choosing the options for organizing a construction project throughout the investment cycle, including design, design, preparation and construction. The content and structure of the stages of the building development project as a specific resource-time environment has been redesigned, integrating the organizational-technological capabilities and economic interests of its leading non-qualified participants into the outdated scientific and methodological basis of construction preparation.


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How to Cite

Chernyshev, D., Tugay А., Pokolenko, V., Gorbach, M., Malykhin, M., & Skakyn, E. (2019). Methodical basis and administrative and managerial bases for improving the operational and production system and organizational structure of a development company. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 2(39), 34–43.