Study of dependence of reconstruction cost of the dwellings of first mass series on organizational and technological factors


  • А. Menyluk Одеська державна академія будівництва та архітектури, Ukraine
  • T. Dubelt Одеська державна академія будівництва та архітектури, Ukraine



variation of factors, abstract models, an experimental-statistical modeling, charts of dependence


The article deals with the study of impact of organizational and technological factors on the cost of reconstruction of dwellings of first mass series to select effective models of reconstruction. At the moment, the effective life of such houses is exhausted and they need an urgent renovation. There is no analysis of reconstruction facilities of such objects in the informational sources and   there is no determination of impact of organizational and technological factors on technical and economic indices, one of which is cost of works. A small number of implemented projects of reconstruction provides limited information on the dependence of cost on the organizational and technological factors, because with the actual reconstruction of separate house these factors have fixed values. The lack of analysis of cost change while doing reconstruction is one of the reasons for the reluctance of investors to invest in such projects. Using the software allows to build a variety of abstract models and to trace the relationship between the impact of factors on the indices of the reconstruction with the minimum cost.

Analysis of recent researches and publications allowed to define the series of houses that are subjected to reconstruction, a list of major works, as well as organizational and technological factors having an impact on the cost of reconstruction.

The experiment was conducted by the example of graphical model of reconstruction of 5-storey residential house with 4 porches by standard series 1-4382.5-7. The levels of variation of factors were defined. Informational, graphical and mathematical models of reconstruction were made. The plan of multiple experiment was formulated taking into account the simultaneous effect of selected factors in terms of admissible values. Their research using experimental and statistical modeling allowed us to obtain the dependence between the selected factors and index of cost of reconstruction. A graphical representation of the impact of factors on the cost of reconstruction is presented in the form of diagrams. The diagrams illustrate the areas of effective organizational solutions. The conclusions on the conditions of reconstruction of such houses are made


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How to Cite

Menyluk А., & Dubelt, T. (2020). Study of dependence of reconstruction cost of the dwellings of first mass series on organizational and technological factors. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (43), 144–154.