Thermal modernization of the housing stock of Ukraine




thermal modernization, energy efficiency, walls, windows, floors, roofs, housing and communal services of Ukraine


Coverage of the necessity of thermo-modernization of the housing stock of Ukraine, analysis of the housing and communal fund, general ways of realization of thermo-modernization and terms of its payback in Ukraine. It is revealed that about 30% of the available housing stock in Ukraine needs major or current repairs. 36,000 homes are in the old category. Most of the heat in Ukraine is spent on heating and hot water

Thermal modernization of buildings in the context of external enclosure structures should be aimed at: exterior walls, roofs, windows, floors. Multilayer walls should be designed so that the vapor permeability of the layers increases from the inner surface of the wall to the outer one. Arrangement of internal thermal insulation is not effective, because moisture will be collected in the insulation. Particular attention should be paid to cold bridges: corners of buildings, concrete jumpers, joints of structures, unheated plinth or foundation.

Thermotechnical indicators of thermal modernization of the walls of existing buildings have been determined, the thermal protective properties of the windows are proposed to use two-layer insulation to obtain the required parameters of roofs. It has been determined that according to DBN "Thermal Insulation of Buildings" the floor heat transfer resistance should be not less than 3,75 м2*К/Вт. This means that the minimum thickness of the insulation in the floor construction must be at least 150 mm. According to the requirements of DBN "Thermal insulation of buildings" the resistance of heat transfer of a roof in a dwelling house should be not less than 5,5 м2*К/Вт, which means that the thickness of the insulation should be not less than 200-250 mm. According to DBN "Thermal insulation of buildings" the heat transfer resistance of the outer enclosure in a dwelling should be not less than 3,3м2*К/Вт, and for windows 0,75 м2*К/Вт.

Integrated home insulation greatly improves the comfort of the premises and reduces the cost of housing. Due to the mass introduction of energy-saving technologies into the reconstruction of old buildings in Ukraine, the annual consumption of fuel and energy resources in buildings can be reduced by more than a third, or more than 300 million. GJ, equivalent to 8 billion. m3 of natural gas.


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How to Cite

Chebanov, L., & Janov, L. (2019). Thermal modernization of the housing stock of Ukraine. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (41), 81–88.