ВІМ–technologies as a method of optimizing the use of resources in the construction industry





ВІМ-technologies, information modeling, optimization, information technologies


The article is devoted to the efficiency of using ВIMtechnologies for implementation of modern requirements of reduction of terms and cost of design, development, optimization of design solutions based on experience in the design of new buildings and structures, provision of necessary information support of the investment project during its entire life cycle. The article describes a new approach for the design of a construction object.

Information modeling of a building is an approach to design, construction, equipping, ensuring responsible operation and repair of a building (to control the life cycle of an object), which consists in accumulation and complex processing in the process of designing all architectural-design, technological, economic and other information about a building with all its interconnections and dependencies, when the building and the objects of its life support are considered as a single system.

A three-dimensional model of a building or other construction object associated with a database in which each element of the model can be assigned all the necessary attributes. The peculiarity of this approach is that the construction object is designed in fact as a single whole: The change of any of its parameters automatically changes in its parameters and objects, up to drawings, visualization, specifications and calendar graphics.

The use of the information model goes beyond the planning and design phase of the project, covering the entire life cycle of the building and supporting all processes, including cost management, construction management, project management, site operation and environmental management.

ВIM is a process of optimization of design and construction. Optimization of design and construction is possible with the help of an information modeling method. Optimization of the duration of the work is proposed to be carried out by determining their duration, taking into account the optimal level of time reserve, at which the total losses associated with the downtime of the front of work, the crews of workers are minimized. ВIM-technologies is our future, which will improve Ukrainian construction.


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How to Cite

Donenko, V., Ishchenko, E., & Vakuliuk, Y. (2019). ВІМ–technologies as a method of optimizing the use of resources in the construction industry. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (41), 141–147. https://doi.org/10.32347/2707-501x.2019.41.141-147