Advanced resource-saving copper wastewater treatment by ferritization




wastewater, treatment, cooper, ferritisation, sludge utilization


The results of studies of the treatment of copper-containing wastewater by ferritization are presented. This method allows you to improve the properties of the precipitate formed in the process of water purification, in difference to the precipitate obtained after using the reagent method. In addition, the ferritic method increases the efficiency of purification of copper-containing wastewater.

The formation of ferromagnetic compounds of copper and iron is investigated. Much attention was paid to changing the following parameters that determine the ferritization process: reaction temperature, pH value, Cu2+: Fe2+ ratio, and solution aeration. The study of the physicochemical properties of the precipitate formed during ferritization is the basis for the development of this method. Another important feature was the study of the effect of aging up to twenty days on the properties of sediment.

To provide a clear overview of the experiments and the corresponding parameters used, they were divided into so-called time series - Time Series Experiments.

The following parameters were constant during various time series experiments:

- Cu2+ solution concentration: 10 g/dm3

- air supply during the ferrite process: 4 l/min

- ratio of Cu2+ : Fe2+- 1: 2.7.

The study of the precipitate properties was performed using electron microscopy using high resolution scanning microscopy (HRSEM) and measurements using transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

Atomic absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the residual concentration of copper in the solution after the ferrite process and subsequent filtering of the precipitate. Performed atomic absorption spectroscopy showed that the cleaning effect when using this method is more than 99.9%. The water purified from copper compounds is returned to the closed cycle of the manufactory, thereby reducing the cost of production, and the resulting copper ferrite can be used as a commercial product or as a reagent for the treatment of industrial wastewater.

In the course of the research, the optimal ferritization temperatures, the ratio of copper and iron concentrations, the influence of the pH of the solution and the aging time of the precipitate on its qualitative integral indicators were determined.


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How to Cite

Zoria, O., Ternovtsev, O., Zoria, D., & Walery, M. (2019). Advanced resource-saving copper wastewater treatment by ferritization. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (41), 148–162.