Modeling of external air temperature influence on concrete parameters




construction, modeling, reliability, construction process, concreting


The necessity of estimation by the customer of the cost of winter price increase, increase of complexity and terms of performance of certain types of works carried out in the winter is carried out. Most construction companies can successfully counteract the negative effects of natural and climatic factors in the winter by having the technological capabilities to perform construction throughout the year. But at the same time, the cost and complexity of the work is increasing, as many construction works are performed in open, unprotected space, and for their successful implementation requires additional organizational and technological measures. From this it follows the hypothesis that the deviation of the concreting parameters in winter conditions depends on the ambient temperature and the month in which the construction is conducted, these deviations can be predicted with varying degrees of accuracy, having data on average daily temperature over the previous few years or knowing the months in where concrete works are carried out.

It has been found that the effects of winter conditions at different stages of design are compounded or on the basis of similar objects. At the same time, during the execution of the JHA, there is already an opportunity to make detailed calculations. Accordingly, it can be concluded that detailed calculations of the cost and complexity of the construction works at the tender stage will allow to substantiate the increase in the parameters of construction in winter conditions.

As a result, it is found that air temperature has an average degree of influence on the construction parameters. So, for the complexity, the coefficient of determination was R2=0,5229. This means that 52.29% of the increase in complexity in the investigated observations is due to the influence of temperature.

For concreting terms, the coefficient of determination was R2=0,4994, and for the estimated cost 0,6802. This means that 49.9% increase in terms and 68% increase in estimated cost in the investigated observations is due to the influence of temperature.

Taking into account the increase in cost of money, labor and time of completion of concreting works in winter is not by normative coefficients, but on the basis of the contractor-based base of similar objects will allow the contracting companies to more reasonably calculate the terms of work, their complexity and labor.


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How to Cite

Novak, E. (2019). Modeling of external air temperature influence on concrete parameters. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (41), 163–171.