Problems of objects of unfinished construction. Selection and formation of evaluation criteria on the path of choosing an optimal renovation option


  • T. Lukianova Запорізький технічний національний університет, Ukraine
  • I. Donenko Запорізький технічний національний університет, Ukraine



building survey, criteria, renovation, the object of unfinished construction, efficiency mark, organizational and technical preparation.


The article is a basis to solve the problem in the organizational and technological and aspects and problems facility unfinished buildings. The list of criteria characterizing the efficiency of choosing the optimal variant of renovation was studied. The problems of estimating investment in unfinished construction objects are proved to a greater extent from the point of view of the investor gaining the benefit, rather than the organizational and technical side.


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How to Cite

Lukianova, T., & Donenko, I. (2018). Problems of objects of unfinished construction. Selection and formation of evaluation criteria on the path of choosing an optimal renovation option. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (35), 34–38.