Increasing the efficiency of the chief project architect at the initial stages of design with the use of DAD technology on the example of the hospital


  • O. Chertkov Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine
  • V. Tsehelnyi Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine
  • Yu. Petruk Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine



construction project, design organization, project design improvement, chief project architect, risks during design, initial stages of design, project configuration, construction site composition, project composition, specifications, health facilities, hospital.


The article defines the stages of passing the construction project, the stages and phases of construction designing on the example of the hospital. The participation of the chief architect of the project in the initial stages of designing and the influence of these stages on the implementation of the entire construction project is determined. There are risks and uncertainties during the implementation of the construction project and the factors that provoke them. The author defines the DAD-technology, the possibilities of its application at the initial stages of design, its impact on minimization of the number of uncertainty factors and improving the efficiency of the main project architect at the initial stages of design.


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How to Cite

Chertkov, O., Tsehelnyi, V., & Petruk, Y. (2018). Increasing the efficiency of the chief project architect at the initial stages of design with the use of DAD technology on the example of the hospital. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (35), 49–54.