Instrumentation of the technological and management supply organization of reconstruction projects implemented on the bases of biosphere connection


  • D. Chernyshev Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine
  • M. Druzhynin Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine



rehabilitation, objects of civil construction, energy plan, reconstruction, energy effect, energy efficiency, organizational and economic mechanisms, economic efficiency, energy.


One of the most acute problems of Ukraine at the present stage of its development problems of sustainable energy and energy efficiency, the solution of which depends largely on the level of economic and social development.

For energy saving characterized by high economic efficiency. The cost per ton of fuel equivalent, obtained through energy conservation, several times less than the cost of its purchase. Therefore, energy efficiency and energy saving is really a strategic line of development of economy and social sphere in the near and long-term.

The implementation of the energy saving potential is structural and technological transformation of the economy of the region and further improvement of administrative and economic mechanisms that improve energy efficiency and energy saving.


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How to Cite

Chernyshev, D., & Druzhynin, M. (2018). Instrumentation of the technological and management supply organization of reconstruction projects implemented on the bases of biosphere connection. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (35), 218–224.