Implementation of european experience of construction in Ukrainian practice


  • O. Lylov



modernization, construction management processes, FIDIC, engineer-consultant, organizational forms of construction management.


It was determined that in view of the European vector of Ukraine's development, is urgent creation of a legislative and regulatory basis for the use of forms of construction contracts, understandable and familiar to European investors. The main functions of the participants of construction are listed. It was identified possible place and role of a consulting engineer in the construction practice of Ukraine to the use of different organizational forms of construction management. Attracting customer consulting engineers should be on a competitive basis. Therefore the purpose of scientific and methodological support of the customer in this process should be developed standard requirements to consulting engineers for the various types of contracts.


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How to Cite

Lylov, O. (2015). Implementation of european experience of construction in Ukrainian practice. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (33), 192–200.