Тендери в будівництві, їх цілі та задачі. Критерії проведення тендеру


  • О. В. Мацапура




state order, estimation of tender suggestions, tender suggestion (offer), minimum price, quality, speed, criteria of realization of tender.


In the article tenders are examined in building, them primary objectives and tasks. An author conducted the analysis of the basic requirements to the estimation of tender suggestions private and state customers. And also considered the criteria of estimation of tender suggestion, depending on the type of executable works.


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How to Cite

Мацапура, О. В. (2014). Тендери в будівництві, їх цілі та задачі. Критерії проведення тендеру. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (31), 108–113. https://doi.org/10.32347/2707-501x.2014.31.108-113