Current assets for building enterprises and the specifics of managing them




working capital, current assets, working capital construction organizations, management of working capital, sources of formation, sources of formation of working capital.


The article reveals the essence of the working capital of enterprises, the specific features for construction that determine the necessity of working out new approaches to solving specific problems of managing the working capital of the construction enterprises. The main factors that influence the total volume and structure of working capital of construction organizations are identified.

The basic principles underlying the determination of the optimal structure of working capital are considered and various variants of deviation from this theoretical optimal structure of working capital are presented.

The structure of working capital determines the financial condition of the enterprise, which in turn determines the competitiveness of the enterprise. The optimality of the structure of working capital is one of the most important conditions for ensuring innovative development of the enterprise, improving the ability of the company to create new products or modify old ones according to the modern needs of customers.

Current assets play an important role in the current economic environment as they form a significant and most mobile share in the assets of any entity. Therefore, when operating in a market economy as a business entity, any business must maintain its current assets at a level that responds quickly and efficiently to market needs.

The basic principles underlying the determination of optimal structure of working capital were considered and provide various options for variations from this theoretically optimal structure of working capital. Just consider the effect of such deviations on company activities.

Substantiates the main directions of researching optimal structure of working capital that would meet modern conditions of existence of domestic enterprises, as well as there are some practical approaches to determine the optimal structure of industry working capital, that are closed to modern conditions of domestic enterprises’ functioning.

The formation of complex balanced current assets management policy are discussed in this article. The theoretical approaches to the definition of "current assets", the basic measures, which require implementation during the formation of current assets management. It is alleged that the preservation improvement of the mechanism of management of working capital of the building enterprises on the growth of competitiveness of enterprises.


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How to Cite

Zapiechna, Y., Kovaleva, L., & Chernoshtan, O. (2018). Current assets for building enterprises and the specifics of managing them. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (38), 161–170.