Monitoring of state regulation of innovation as a tool for optimizing innovation policy in construction




monitoring, state regulation, innovation activity, construction, financing of innovation activity


The article considers the content and directions of monitoring the state regulation of innovation. The list of functions and directions of state regulation of innovative activity in construction is determined. The information basis of the assessment of innovation management at the macro-meso- and micro levels is considered. An assessment of the state of implementation of innovations of various types, indicators of innovation activity of national applicants in 2010-2017, the distribution of expenditures by type of costs. A comparative analysis of the number of enterprises that implemented innovations, by types of innovations in terms of areas of economic activity, analysis of partnership cooperation of enterprises engaged in innovation activities in the field of architecture and engineering. The financial aspects of the state regulation of innovation activity were monitored and recommendations for its improvement were provided.


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How to Cite

Zgalat-Lоzynska L. (2018). Monitoring of state regulation of innovation as a tool for optimizing innovation policy in construction. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (38), 255–265.