Decentralization and miscellaneous self-preparation




decentralization, administrative reform, public administration, local self-government bodies


As a member of the Council of Europe since 1995, Ukraine has committed itself to respecting European standards, in particular in the field of local and regional democracy, the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government ratified in 1997 and its Additional Protocol on the Right to Participate in Local Government , ratified in 2014.

The program "Decentralization and Reform of Local Self-Government in Ukraine" is implemented within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine for 2018-2021. The overall goal of the Program is to implement decentralization reform in Ukraine and to form a sustainable system of local self-government.

The history of a decentralized state is a history of contradictions related to the search for the best form of organization of state power. Further democratization of society, decentralization of power on the basis of subsidiarity are currently priorities among reforms in Ukraine. As new trends in state-building of our country, the formation of civil society institutions, the optimization of the system of public administration determine the new conditions for the implementation of decentralization, while maintaining the ideas of the rule of law. Modernization of public power should take place in the direction of creating a customer-oriented system of public administration, which will be an integral part of the mechanism of socio-political protection of the population, a factor in increasing its social and political activity. The traditionally established view of decentralization as a process in which independent units are formed within the centralized state, which are the bearers of local self-government (community), requires the development of new approaches to the analysis of its content.

The article reveals the content of decentralization of local self-government bodies, the need to transfer to local communities functions that cannot be solved by central authorities. The authors analyze the example of Poland on the path of decentralization reforms.


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How to Cite

Mostovenko, O. ., & Zinchenco, M. . (2021). Decentralization and miscellaneous self-preparation . Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 2(47), 64–71.