Formation of marketing price policy of gas concrete manufacturers in regional markets of Ukraine using cluster analysis




aerated concrete, market, region, import, price, construction volumes, real estate price, demand, supply, oligopoly



The main indicators of the situation of regional markets of aerated concrete are described taking into account the radius of delivery of construction material from the manufacturer. The level of supply of aerated concrete in regional markets of Ukraine is estimated territorial distribution of imports. The mutual influence of factors and indicators of conjuncture of regional markets of aerated concrete is analyzed, the key factors of formation of the retail price are defined.

 Peculiarities of pricing for construction materials and products in the conditions of oligopoly are characterized. The level of demand for aerated concrete in each region of Ukraine is estimated on the basis of data on regional construction volumes, regional real estate prices and regional price of aerated concrete. The relationship between the supply of aerated concrete in the regions of Ukraine and the level of prices for it is described. Based on the comparison of relative regional levels of demand and supply, the balance of the aerated concrete market in each region of Ukraine is determined. It is proved that the aerated concrete market in Ukraine has a clear regional segmentation, and pricing in regional aerated concrete markets corresponds to the Walras model, according to which price is not a function of demand (as in Marshall's theory of market equilibrium), but its factor. Regional clusters of the aerated concrete market of Ukraine have been formed according to the indicators of the level of prices for aerated concrete. Given their quantitative and qualitative assessment. It is proved that the production capacities of domestic producers together with the capacities of importers are sufficient to meet the demand for aerated concrete in Ukraine, but in some industrialized regions there is a shortage of aerated concrete. It is proposed to carry out comprehensive regulation of pricing in regional markets of aerated concrete of Ukraine by producers through the formation of effective marketing pricing policy, as well as identified areas of regulation of pricing of aerated concrete products in accordance with regional (regional) aerated concrete markets in Ukraine, which should take into account key demand factors. and offers in the region.


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How to Cite

Skrypnyk , O. (2021). Formation of marketing price policy of gas concrete manufacturers in regional markets of Ukraine using cluster analysis. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 2(47), 72–85.