Forecasting the level of rehabilitation capacity of the construction company




enterprise reorganization, bankruptcy probability models, enterprise reorganization prevention, enterprise economic security, liquidity, financial stability, solvency


Theoretical bases that reveal the concept of enterprise reorganization are substantiated, the causes and consequences of reorganization are determined, the models of calculating the probability of bankruptcy are investigated. The works of leading scientists in the field of research of enterprise rehabilitation are analyzed. The main financial and economic indicators are considered, with the help of which it is possible to predict in advance the financial condition of a construction enterprise and its rehabilitation capacity. Factors that reduce the quality of enterprise management have been identified. Harrington's model is considered as a method of determining the feasibility of rehabilitation investments in a construction company.

The main stages of rehabilitation are determined: organizational and target, formation of a system of indicators, organizational and planning, information, methodological support and restructuring. The peculiarities of each of the presented stages are described. At the organizational and target stage, goals are formed, subjects and objects of management are determined. The most important goals are: identification of the real state of the object; study of the composition and properties of the object, its comparison with known analogues or standards; detection of changes in the state of the object; identification of factors that caused changes in the state of the object. The chosen goals should reflect the specifics of the enterprise. Competitors, management, creditors, insurance bodies, tax authorities, mass media can act as carriers of risk for the problem enterprise.

The main subjects of remediation have been identified. Managers, creditors and owners can act as the basic subjects. However, direct management work is carried out by the economic services of the enterprise. If the internal analysts of enterprises do not have sufficient knowledge and skills, employees from ancillary industries can be involved.

Methods for identifying the probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise by analyzing financial statements and calculating financial indicators are considered. Models of foreign and Ukrainian scientists to calculate the probability of bankruptcy several years before its possible occurrence are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Vasylieva, N. ., Bolila, N. ., & Tsyfra, T. . (2022). Forecasting the level of rehabilitation capacity of the construction company. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 1(49), 157–163.