Ukrainian practice of strategic planning in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy and climate change prevention




strategic planning, state energy efficiency policy, climate change, renewable energy sources, sustainable energy development


The article analyzes the basic strategic documents in the fields of energy efficiency, energy saving and the development of renewable energy sources. Certain problems of the practical implementation of these basic documents have been identified and the need to introduce a comprehensive approach to their solution has been substantiated. The methodological principles of strategic planning at the local level, reflected in the developed Action Plans for sustainable energy development and climate, are highlighted, and their place in the comprehensive system of strategic planning is determined. There is a justified need to develop strategic documents in the field of energy efficiency and the development of alternative energy at the regional level. A vision of a complex end-to-end vertical system of strategic energy planning at the national, regional and local levels is proposed. A new economic category of coalescence was introduced as the result of purposeful merging (coalescence) of elements into a system to obtain new emergent qualities and ensure maximum screening (filtration) of negative influences (action of factors). The methodological significance for economic science of this category lies in its ability to ensure the strengthening of integration processes within the energy cluster, to enable the creation of conditions for comprehensive organizational, informational, educational, methodical, material, financial and technical support for the process of generating public needs for energy-efficient sustainable development. The content of a number of leading research definitions, in particular "coalescent structure", "coalescent-structured energy cluster", is substantiated. The last definition is defined by the author as "an innovative structure of a hybrid type, which, in the format of long-term economic and social interaction, integrates the potential and efforts of stakeholders to realize the goals of sustainable socio-economic development of communities through the preparation and implementation of a number of territorially localized and socially oriented modernization projects of existing infrastructural facilities objects and the creation of a new socially significant energy infrastructure connected by a single link.


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How to Cite

Tormosov, R. ., Chupryna, I. ., Kapustian, M. ., & Polzikov М. . (2022). Ukrainian practice of strategic planning in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy and climate change prevention. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 1(50), 110–124.