Economic approaches to assessing the environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine




environmental consequences of war, economic consequences of war, damage, construction


The article examines the environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine, the types of effects of military actions on the environment and their potential danger to humanity now and in the future.

The problems related to ecology and climate change as a result of military actions concern not only one country, nation or community, but can also affect the daily life of many future generations of Ukrainians, Europeans and the whole world. The issue of assessing the environmental consequences of military actions, classifying the damage caused, and choosing methods for assessing environmental damage are extremely popular in modern conditions for the Ukrainian and world community, which confirms the relevance and timeliness of this study.

According to the materials of open sources, it was determined that the main risks for the ecology of Ukraine and the world ecological and economic system were the threat of a nuclear disaster, the impact of active offensive actions on forests, steppes and the natural landscape, the impact of war on plants and animals, the threat to red book species, water pollution and soil as a result of multifactor intervention, hitting industrial facilities and critical infrastructure facilities.

A comprehensive algorithm for assessing the environmental consequences of military actions has been developed, which includes the following stages: establishment of a list of possible consequences, data collection, data analysis and classification of consequences according to the degree of security, assessment of environmental damage, information exchange and monitoring. Such a sequence allows you to identify the most influential risks and urgently take measures to overcome them. The created algorithm has a consolidated nature and should be refined and supplemented in further work.

It is proposed to carry out zoning of the territories of Ukraine depending on the possibility of obtaining information about the environmental impacts and consequences of the war and the availability of data collection.

In the future, it is advisable to develop methods for express assessment of environmental consequences for quick response to violations of environmental requirements, as well as in-depth methods that take into account detailed assessment of consequences and will allow to determine the most accurate economic component of consequences for ecology.


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How to Cite

Skakun, V. ., Chynchyk, A., & Strakhov , . A. . (2023). Economic approaches to assessing the environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 2(50), 266–280.