Reengineering of the system of organizational and economic management of construction participants on the basis of digitalization




innovations, digitalization, building information modeling (BIM), object life cycle, engineering, construction cost, organizational and economic management, pricing, cost management, digital innovations, contractor, designer, developer, engineering company, construction project enterprises, stakeholders and construction participants


This article examines and proposes a method of improving organizational and economic management systems in construction participants using the example of engineering companies through the prism of digitalization. As the construction industry is experiencing a paradigm shift towards digital transformation, this study focuses on providing a specific application toolkit for the implementation of digital technologies and the activities of construction sector enterprises and in particular engineering companies.It was found that the creation of the Unified State Electronic System in the field of construction made it possible to transform the business processes of construction organization and management, administration of construction projects, interaction of construction participants, including design enterprises, general contractors, customers, development companies, subcontractors, suppliers of construction materials, products and structures, engineering companies and other construction stakeholders.The services of engineering companies that they can provide during the implementation of construction projects and various stages of the object's life cycle are given, engineering companies are suggested to use digital and VIM technologies to optimize their organizational and management structures and business processes, demonstrating that digitalization serves as a catalyst for improvement key aspects of organizational and economic management. It explores the integration of digital tools and technologies into project planning, resource allocation and financial oversight, offering a detailed understanding of the transformative impact on traditional construction management practices.The article aims to help participants in construction and engineering companies navigate the challenges and opportunities that digitalization opens up, offering practical recommendations for integrating digital tools into existing management structures.


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How to Cite

Demianenko, O. O., Stetsenko, S. ., & Bogatyuk, D. . (2022). Reengineering of the system of organizational and economic management of construction participants on the basis of digitalization . Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 2(50), 303–313.