Optimization of logistic processes to enhance productivity of a construction organization



optimization, logistics processes, productivity, coordination, digital solutions, construction enterprise


This article delves into the significance of logistics process optimization in the construction industry and its direct impact on productivity. Construction companies face unique challenges in managing the flow of materials, equipment, and personnel, making streamlined logistics crucial for efficient project delivery. By examining key strategies and approaches to logistics optimization, this article aims to provide insights into how construction companies can increase productivity and maximize project outcomes. The construction industry is a complex and dynamic sector that relies heavily on effective logistics processes to ensure the smooth flow of materials, equipment, and personnel. In an era where efficiency and productivity are key drivers of success, construction companies are increasingly focusing on optimizing their logistics operations. By streamlining and enhancing these processes, companies can significantly improve productivity, reduce costs, and ultimately deliver projects more efficiently. This article explores the importance of logistics optimization in construction and provides insights into key strategies for achieving enhanced productivity, because optimizing logistics processes in construction is instrumental in increasing productivity and achieving successful project outcomes. By focusing on effective planning, technology adoption, lean principles, collaboration, and modular construction, companies can streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance resource utilization. The article emphasizes that logistics optimization is an ongoing journey that necessitates adaptability and awareness of industry trends. By prioritizing logistics optimization, construction firms can position themselves for success, deliver projects on time and within budget and ultimately gain a competitive advantage in the market.


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How to Cite

Voitovych, V. ., Pokolenko, . V. ., & Emelianova, O. . (2023). Optimization of logistic processes to enhance productivity of a construction organization. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 1(52), 34–40. Retrieved from http://ways.knuba.edu.ua/article/view/297547