Justification of the feasibility of using arrival reinforced concrete vaults



reinforced concrete vaults, construction technology, concrete blend, labor intensity, standardization, efficiency


The article discusses constructive and technological solutions for the use of reinforced concrete vaults. At this stage of society's development, in the difficult conditions of survival during hostilities, the issue of the safety of people's lives becomes urgent. The structural solution of buildings in the form of vaults is suitable for solving similar problems. The criterion for choosing a constructive solution is the reliability and functional volume of the building. The most reliable are reinforced concrete monolithic vaults made of modern materials. The most reliable is the arrow-shaped vault. The analysis of different forms of vault arches showed that unlike flat and full cylindrical vaults, pointed vaults have a more useful use of wall space at a height of up to 6.0 m, which makes the premises more functional. The criterion for choosing a technology is the speed of building the vault. The problematic issue of erecting monolithic reinforced concrete vaults remains the imperfect technology of arranging formwork, reinforcement and concreting. When concreting the curvilinear convex surface of the structure, the concrete slips. This article is dedicated to solving this problem. When switching to pointed vaults, it is not known how much the technology of performing the processes of formwork installation, reinforcement and concreting changes. The analysis of the existing technologies for the construction of monolithic vaults showed that the existing structural and technological solutions do not solve the problem of accelerating the construction speed. In order to prevent the process of slipping of concrete, the use of fiber is proposed. Additional studies are planned to study the effect of fiber concrete on sliding. The need for conducting research in the direction of improving constructive and technological solutions, improving the means of mechanization of the process, and in the direction of creating a system of normalization of labor costs for the processes of erecting pointed vaults has been identified.


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How to Cite

Tonkacheiev, H. ., Tryhub, A. ., & Shandra, O. . (2024). Justification of the feasibility of using arrival reinforced concrete vaults. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 1(53), 49–56. Retrieved from http://ways.knuba.edu.ua/article/view/307928