Optimization of organizational and technological parameters of the construction of civil buildings



construction, organizational and technological parameters, mathematical modeling, experiment planning, limitations, resources


The article provides solutions for optimizing organizational and technological solutions for the construction of civil buildings. The article formulates the goal and describes the research methodology. Optimizing the organizational parameters of construction requires a comprehensive approach, which will include the implementation of modern technologies, effective management of resources and constant improvement of technological processes. The use of such methods allows not only to increase the productivity and quality of work, but also to reduce costs and time spent, while ensuring the successful completion of construction objects. The search and identification of factors made it possible to systematize them: the influence of compactness of the construction site; factors complicating the transport of structures; factors complicating the consolidation of constructions; factors complicating the installation of structures; factors of work performance technology; factors describing the constructive and planning solution of buildings. Another network model may include options for completing the construction of the facility. The use of various models ensures high efficiency of the management system based on organizational and technological factors. However, a large volume of initial and current information requires careful organization of the database structure and intensive use of computer technologies. Computerization of the management process based on organizational and technological factors, as well as design, supply, financing and other processes requires clear formalization and creation of information technology. One of the possible directions of formalization of management technologies is the construction of economic-mathematical models, on the basis of which the management system is formed.


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How to Cite

Mishuk , K., Banakh, V. ., & Krasylnykov, M. . (2024). Optimization of organizational and technological parameters of the construction of civil buildings. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 1(53), 122–130. Retrieved from http://ways.knuba.edu.ua/article/view/307944