Theoretical basis of resource provision in unstable conditions for an investment and construction project at the design stage



construction, investments, investment and construction project, unstable conditions


The article defines the theoretical foundations of resource provision in unstable conditions for an investment and construction project at the design stage.

The features and conditions of the functioning of investment and construction activities, its environment is very complex, unpredictable, changeable, which complicates the successful conduct of activities, and investment and construction activities are also subject to high risks, such as, first of all, large cost overruns, construction delays, increased construction duration and non-compliance with the required quality of construction products. If such a problem is not taken into account, it can turn into very bad consequences, both for the developer's company and for future owners of construction sites.

Having considered the complex environment of construction projects and the opinions of various scientists, it can be noted that the analysis and assessment of similar or related projects at the pre-investment stage of investment and construction activities can help avoid many negative impacts of the origin of unstable conditions or uncertainty on the result of this activity. At the stage of forming an investment plan and developing a construction project, the most important thing is to take into account factors that could, in the event of destabilizing situations, have a negative impact on the effective and successful process of implementing construction projects as a whole.

In order to provide potential investors with the opportunity to reliably invest their financial resources in a construction project, a pre-investment selection tool was considered, taking into account the factors of unstable conditions, achieving the prevention of the risk of a probable increase in the actual cost and construction terms at the design stage. The considered theoretical and practical results of the presented material can be used to solve practical problems of planning investment and construction activities.


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How to Cite

DUBYNKA, O. ., DVORNICHEN, I. ., OLIINYK, V. ., ZYAKHOR, D. ., & MOLODKO, O. . (2025). Theoretical basis of resource provision in unstable conditions for an investment and construction project at the design stage. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 1(54), 148–155. Retrieved from