Developer as an agent of innovative transformation of construction participants



innovation, digitalization, sustainability, environmental friendliness, social responsibility, enterprises, developers, designers, contractors, suppliers, stakeholders, processes, products, marketing activities, organizational structures, transformations, innovations, construction


Developers, who play a key role in financing, designing and implementing a project, play a key role in promoting innovation throughout the construction value chain. Researching the role of the developer as a catalyst for innovative development among construction participants and researching methods for assessing the innovative development of construction participants in accordance with the developer’s strategic requirements are relevant tasks of construction economics.Developers influence the innovation trajectory by setting performance benchmarks, ensuring compliance with state-of-the-art standards and facilitating collaboration between stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors and suppliers.The main focus of this study is the dual role of the developer as a demand generator and innovation driver. On the demand side, developers are setting clear innovation goals, driven by competitive pressures, regulatory requirements and market trends. On the supply side, they are driving innovation through investments in research and development, technology adoption and capacity building initiatives for construction stakeholders.To assess the impact of developers on the innovation development of construction stakeholders, the paper presents a comprehensive assessment framework. The assessment framework uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, including surveys, performance audits and case studies. Specific criteria are established to measure how effectively developers are influencing innovation, with a focus on adaptability, scalability and long-term impact. Case studies of successful projects led by innovation-focused developers are presented to illustrate best practices and lessons learned. These examples highlight how developers can shape the ecosystem of construction stakeholders by aligning incentives, fostering a culture of experimentation and using their position to ensure compliance with industry standards.This study contributes to the understanding of the strategic importance of the developer in driving innovation in the construction industry and provides a practical roadmap for evaluating and promoting innovative methods aligned with the developer’s requirements. The results are expected to be useful for decision-making among developers, policymakers and industry practitioners, ultimately contributing to the development of a more sustainable and forward-looking construction sector.


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How to Cite

HALUNKA, O. . (2025). Developer as an agent of innovative transformation of construction participants. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, 1(54), 199–210. Retrieved from