Empirical assessment of the security of economic development of construction enterprises: the European aspect





economic development balance, integral indicator of construction dynamics, dynamics of the number of people employed in construction, dynamics of construction of buildings, dynamics of the number of building permits issued, cluster analysis, threat of overheating in construction, “safe development”,


The article analyzes the dynamics of the development of the main indicators of the construction industry in the countries of the European Union. The main causes of the unbalanced growth of the construction business in Ukraine and European countries are established. The author suggests a methodical approach to assessing the threat of self-destruction of construction enterprises in the process of unbalanced development. The proposed approach is based on a comprehensive assessment of the proportionality of growth in construction indicators using an integral indicator and the main provisions of the theory of fuzzy sets. A fuzzy term “safe development” and its membership function are formulated. The configuration and parameters of the membership function are determined on the basis of the results of cluster analysis of the balance of economic development of the construction industry in the countries of the European Union. With the help of the developed methodological approach, the probability of the threat of unbalanced development for the domestic construction industry was assessed.


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How to Cite

Sorokinа L., Gojko, A., & Skakun, S. (2019). Empirical assessment of the security of economic development of construction enterprises: the European aspect. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (40), 3–18. https://doi.org/10.32347/2707-501x.2019.40.3-18