Economic trust as a preliminary provision for economic safety of construction enterprises




building, economic trust, corporate social responsibility, building company


It has been determined that the problem of achieving a sufficient level of economic safety of a construction company, finding possibilities for survival and growth in the long run should have a basis that is ensured not only by the sufficient level of economic stability of individual functional subsystems of the enterprise but also by additional strategic measures. Among the factors that could be the basis for further growth on a long-term basis, one should distinguish economic confidence which can be considered as the result of voluntary activity of companies aimed at adherence to high social, economic, environmental standards of activity, based on the establishment of mutually beneficial relations between business, society and the state with a view to ensuring mutual benefit in the form of proportional economic growth and meeting the needs of society. The research has been carried out on the positive and negative consequences of the implementation of the concept of promoting economic confidence in business by construction companies operating in the housing market of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Shevchuk, K., & Pavly, S. (2019). Economic trust as a preliminary provision for economic safety of construction enterprises. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (40), 113–118.