Будівельно-інжинірингові фірми – суб’єкти управління інвестиційними ресурсами будівельних проектів


  • О. А. Тугай
  • В. В. Орищенко




participants of investment process, investment cycle, leader of project, investor (customer) of project, building-engineering


Methodological basis of planning of organizational structures is certain for building-engineering firms taking into account their leading role in a management by the resources of investor at building of building objects. The structures created on the basis of offered approach provide organizationally is a technological design and resource-calendar planning of processes of building of building objects on alternative basis, legal accompaniment of project, rational co-operating with the central and local organs of supervision, operative management by building projects on by the observance of their pre-arranged parameters and concordance of interests and actions of all organizations-participants.


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How to Cite

Тугай, О. А., & Орищенко, В. В. (2014). Будівельно-інжинірингові фірми – суб’єкти управління інвестиційними ресурсами будівельних проектів. Ways to Improve Construction Efficiency, (32), 164–167. https://doi.org/10.32347/2707-501x.2014.32.164-167